For Fall 2024, Rutgers is planning to have a large majority of course sections in New Brunswick taught in-person. Some course sections will be delivered remotely/online, depending on the specific course and school.

Remote course sections will be delivered either live following a regular class schedule (synchronously) or “by arrangement” (asynchronously).

  • For courses listed in the Schedule of Classes with a scheduled day and time, students are expected to connect remotely during those times. These classes typically involve web conferencing.

  • For courses listed as “by arrangement”, there are no scheduled class sessions. These courses will have a regular schedule of work and assignments due throughout each week, but they will not require you to be online at a particular time. Rather, your instructor will provide materials—for example, readings, video content, presentations, lectures, assignments, and exams—and you can access these materials and satisfy the course requirements within time frames specified by the instructor.

For information about technology resources available to students, including information about WiFi and cellular access providers, please visit the Technology Resources for Students page.

Division of Life Sciences

Complete List of Course Descriptions (Fall and Spring offerings), please see below:

The following is a list of undergraduate courses offered by the Division of Life Sciences. The courses are arranged according to departmental affiliation. You may also consult the online Catalog, the online Schedule of Classes, or the course synopsis for more information. General Biology 01:119:115, 116, and 117 are the only 100-level life science courses that count towards a major or minor in Biological Sciences.

Biological Sciences Courses

Semester Offered Credits Core Curriculum

01:119:103 Principles of Biology

Fall 4 (includes lab) NS

01:119:117 Biological Research Laboratory

Fall, Spring 2

01:119:120 STEM Success Seminar

Fall 1.5

01:119:127/128 Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Sciences

Fall, Spring, Summer 4 (including lab) NS

01:119:131 Microbiology for the Health Sciences (Section 1)

Fall, Spring 3

01:119:131 Microbiology for the Health Sciences (Section 2)

Fall 3

01:119:132 Microbiology for the Health Sciences Lab

Fall, Spring 1 (Lab)

01:119:150 Biology, Society, and Biomedical Issues

Fall, Spring 3 NS, CCO

01:119:154 Genetics, Law and Social Policy (Spring)

Spring 3 NS, CCO

01:119:154 Genetics, Law and Social Policy (Fall)

Fall 3 NS, CCO

01:119:155 Human Genetics

Fall, Summer 3 NS, CCO

01:119:160 Biology, Society, and Ecological Issues

Fall, Spring 3 NS, CCO

01:119:182 Essentials of Human Reproduction

Fall 3 NS

01:119:195 Brain, Mind and Behavior

Fall 3

01:119:199 Preparation for General Biology

Fall 4 (including lab) NS

01:119:201, 202 Independent Study in Biology

Fall, Spring 1- 3

01:119:205 Internship in the Life Sciences

Fall, Spring, Summer 3

01:119:307, 308, 406, 407 Research in Biological Sciences

Fall, Spring 1- 4 

01:119:408, 409 Honors in Biological Sciences

Fall, Spring 3- 6

01:119:410 Honors Communication in Biology

Spring 1

Cell Biology and Neuroscience Courses

Semester Offered Credits Core Curriculum

01:146:201-202 Independent Study in Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Fall, Spring 1-3

01:146:245 Fundamentals of Neurobiology

Spring 3

01:146:245 Fundamentals of Neurobiology - Honors Section (Spring Synopsis)

Spring 3

01:146:270 Fundamentals of Cell Biology (Fall)

Fall 3

01:146:270 Fundamentals of Cell Biology (Spring)

Spring 3

01:146:295 Essentials of Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Fall, Spring 3

01:146:307-308 Research in Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Fall, Spring 1-3

01:146:322 Human Histology

Spring 4 (including lab)

01:146:328 Human Parasitology (Fall)

Fall 3

01:146:328 Human Parasitology (Spring)

Spring 3

01:146:329 Human Parasitology Lab (Fall)

Fall 1

01:146:329 Human Parasitology Lab (Spring)

Spring 1

01:146:350 Introduction to Light Microscopy for the Life Sciences

Spring 1

01:146:356 Systems Physiology

Fall, Spring, Summer 3

01:146:357 Systems Physiology Lab

Fall, Spring 1

01:146:405 Honors Seminar in CBN

Spring 3 WCd

01:146:406-407 Research in Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Fall, Spring 1-3,1-3

01:146:408-409 Honors Research in Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Fall, Spring 3+3

01:146:410-411 Research Thesis in Cell Biology and Neuroscience I (410) & II (411)

Fall, Spring 3+3

01:146:445 Synapses, Neurons and Circuits

Fall 3

01:146:447 Clinical Neurobiology

Fall, Spring 3

01:146:456 Advanced Physiology

Fall, Spring 3

01:146:465 Neurobiology of Pain and Addiction

Fall, Spring 3

01:146:471 Advanced Cell Biology Lab

Spring 3

01:146:472 Developmental Biology

Spring 3

01:146:473 Genetic Regulation in Cell Biology

Fall 3

01:146:474 Immunology

Fall 3

01:146:475 Laboratory in Immunology

Spring 1

01:146:476 Honors Immunology

Spring 3

01:146:481 Protein Dynamics in Cell Biology

Spring 3

Genetics Courses

Semester Offered Credits Core Curriculum

01:447:201, 202, 307, 308; 489, 490, 406, 407, 408, 4090 Independent Study, Advanced Independent Study, Research, Honors in Genetics

Fall, Spring, Summer

01:447:203 Honors Computational Genetics

Fall 3

01:447:216 Analysis of Scientific Literature

Spring 3

01:447:245 Introduction to Cancer (Fall)

Fall 3

01:447:245 Introduction to Cancer (Spring)

Spring 3

01:447:302 Quantitative Biology & Bioinformatics

Spring 3

01:447:303 Computational Genetics for Big Data

Spring 3

01:447:315 Introduction to Research in Genetics

Spring 3

01:447:354 Implications of the New Genetics

Fall 3

01:447:356 Evolutionary Medicine

Fall 3

01:447:370 Developmental Genetics

Fall 3

01:447:380 Genetics (Sec. 16-21) (Fall)

Fall 4

01:447:380 Genetics (Sec. 16-21) (Spring)

Spring 4

01:447:380 Genetics (Sec.1- 15, Honors)

Fall 4

01:447:382 Genetics Laboratory

Spring 1

01:447:384 Genetic Analysis I

Fall 4 CCO

01:447:385 Genetic Analysis II

Spring 4

01:447:390 General Microbiology (Fall)

Fall 4

01:447:390 General Microbiology (Spring)

Spring 4

01:447:392 Pathogenic Microbiology

Spring 3

01:447:406, 407; 408, 409; 489,490 All Research, Honors in Genetics Courses

Fall, Spring, Summer

01:447:410 Research in Genetics -Writing Intensive

Fall, Spring 1.5 WCr, WCd

01:447:414 Thesis Writing and Communication in Genetics

Fall 1.5 WCr

01:447:415 Thesis Writing and Communication in Genetics

Spring 1.5 WCd

01:447:430 Effective Communication Skills in Genetics

Fall 3 WCr, WCd

01:447:451 Genomes

Fall 3

01:447:460 Genetics of Compulsive Behavior

Fall 3 WCd

01:447:465 Genetic Approaches and Research Analysis

Fall 3

01:447:484 Behavioral and Neural Genetics

Spring 3

01:447:488 Genetic Counseling Rotation

Fall, Spring 3

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Courses

Semester Offered Credits Core Curriculum

01:694: All Research, Honors Courses

Fall, Spring, Summer 2-6

01:694:214 Introduction to Research in Molecular Biology

Spring 3

01:694:215 Honors Introduction to Research in Molecular Biology

Fall 4

01:694:230 Analytical Methods in Biology

Spring 3

01:694:313 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory

Fall, Spring 1

01:694:315 Introduction to Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Research

Spring 3

01:694:316 Honors Introduction to Research in Molecular Biology

Fall 4

01:694:383 Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry - Careers in Science

Fall 1

01:694:390 Introductory Computational Biology

Spring 3

01:694:395 Biochemistry for Life Sciences

Fall, Spring 3

01:694:408 Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Spring 3

01:694:412 Proteomics and Functional Genomics

Spring 3

01:694:421 Special Topics in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: The Biology of Aging

Spring 3

01:694:484 Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Spring 1

01:694:492 Gene Regulation in Cancer & Development

Spring 3

694:495 Honors Lab Research

WCr, WCd