Declared Major in Genetics; must have completed one semester of Research in Genetics, Advanced Independent Study, or Genetic Counseling Rotation. Special permission from the Genetics Office is required (
Course Description
Communication is an essential part of science. Whether it is communicating research findings to other scientists or conveying complex concepts to a lay audience, a scientist must be able to effectively communicate their research to succeed. Communication in science is typically through publications, posters, or oral presentations. The goal of this course is to provide students practice in effectively communicating scientific findings. This includes preparing and revising an introduction for scientific papers, writing a research description for general audience, and preparing and giving presentations (both oral and poster).
Course Syllabus:
Course Satisfies Genetics Departmental Learning Goals
Students will be able to communicate their discoveries through a written article appropriate for publication in a peer-reviewed Genetics journal, and through talks or posters appropriate for scientific meetings.
Course Satisfies SAS Core Learning Goals:
Writing and Communication, Revision (WCr)
Writing and Communication in a Discipline (WCd)
Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy
25%- MISC section including attendance/class participation, homework, and quizzes
25%- Writing section including project narrative, research question and hypothesis (PRH) and editing/revisions
25%- Oral presentation including outside seminars and testing critiques, student peer critique, professor critique, and self-evaluation
25%- Poster section including final poster and poster presentation
Required textbook:
Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations (Fourth edition), Angelika H. Hofmann, Oxford University Press, 2019; ISBN: 9780190063283.
Course Closed?
Please use the Genetics Departmental SPN system to request or contact the Genetics Undergraduate Director (
Faculty for Fall 2023 semester
Dr. Gary Heiman
** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.