Genetic Analysis I 01:447:384
Genetics Majors only, in person only.
Course Description
This is the second half of the core course for majors in Genetics, and covers selected topics in greater depth than is possible in Genetics (447:380). Topics include genome structure epigenetics; DNA damage and mutagenesis; cancer genetics; developmental genetics; model organism genetics, recombinant DNA techniques, next-generation genomics and bioinformatics, human genetic disease and gene mapping; and population, quantitative and evolutionary genetics. Emphasis will be on experimental methods and concepts in genetics, and their application in contemporary genetic research. The class will be a combination of lecture and discussion, and includes a weekly recitation section.
Course Syllabi
Course Syllabus Spring 2023 (Spring 2025 will be updated soon)
Course Satisfies Departmental Learning Goals
1. Knowledge specific goals: Know the terms, concepts and theories in genetics.
2. Integrate the material from multiple courses and research. That is, to think holistically and to see the whole as well as the parts.
Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy
Weekly graded problem sets. Short quizzes in-class. Three in-class 80 minute examinations involving short answer questions and emphasizing problem solving. Attendance is mandatory, as class participation is a significant portion of the grade.
Course Materials
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (8th edition) by Hartwell, Goldberg, Fisher and Hood.
Same textbook as 447:384. Contact Dr. McKim if you already have the 7th edition.
Supplemental readings to be assigned.
Course Registration:
Genetics Majors only. Special permission numbers are required. To request an spn, please see the Genetics website for special permission:
Dr. Kim McKim
** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.