• This course will focus on Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Evolution from a Genomics perspective. Special attention will be given to the organization and functioning of the human genome.
  • Semester Offered: Fall
  • Credits: 3
  • Course URL: canvas

Course Description

Genetics 01:447:380 or Genetic Analysis I 01:447:384 and General Biology Lab 01:119:117 or 01:119:102

Course Description

This course will focus on Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Evolution from a Genomics perspective. Special attention will be given to the organization and functioning of the human genome.

Course Syllabus 

Fall 2021 Syllabus

Course URL


Course satisfies Learning Goals

Knowledge specific goals: Know the terms, concepts and theories in genetics.

Use genetic information and ideas to critically analyze published research articles in genetics.

Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy

There will be one in-class midterm exam, a cumulative in-class final exam, a group presentation, and several homework problem sets.

Course Materials

There is no official required textbook for the class. I used two books when designing the lectures: Introduction to Genomics by Arthur M. Lesk (ISBN-10 0198754833) and Genomes by TA Brown (ISBN-10: 0815345089). Feel free to purchase them or not.

iClicker is required. Please bring to every class, this will be used for attendance and quizzes. 

Course Closed?

No special permission numbers will be administered for this course. If the course is closed you should continue to check WebReg to see if a spot opens.


Dr. Jinchuan Xing

Life Science Building, Room 325

** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator **