• Experimental methods and concepts in genetics. Emphasis on application of principles of genetic research. This course is half of a year-long sequence. Students will cover topics in greater depth than is possible in Genetics (447:380). Genetic Analysis I covers transmission genetics and breeding analyses, basic molecular genetics, including DNA replication, genetic code, transcription and translation, gene regulation with an emphasis on prokaryotes.   The class will be a combination of lecture and discussion.  
  • Semester Offered: Fall
  • Credits: 4
  • Course URL: canvas
  • Core Curriculum: CCO


General Biology 01:119:115-116 and General Chemistry 01:160:161-162 or 01:160:163-164

Special permission numbers are required for everyone. Please confirm you will have completed the required courses, and are, or have committed to, becoming a Genetics major, then send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or submit a request through the online SPN System. You must specify the recitation section for which you would like to have a special permission number.

Course Description

Experimental methods and concepts in genetics. Emphasis on application of principles of genetic research. This course is half of a year-long sequence. Students will cover topics in greater depth than is possible in Genetics (447:380). Genetic Analysis I covers transmission genetics and breeding analyses, basic molecular genetics, including DNA replication, genetic code, transcription and translation, gene regulation with an emphasis on prokaryotes.   The class will be a combination of lecture and discussion.

Course Syllabus

Fall 2024 Syllabus (Subject to change)

Course Site

This is an In-Person course, a canvas site will be used to further facilitate learning.

Course Satisfies Departmental Learning Goals

1. Knowledge specific goals: Know the terms, concepts and theories in genetics.

2. Integrate the material from multiple courses and research. That is, to think holistically and to see the whole as well as the parts.

Course Satisfies the SAS Core Curriculum Goals

21st Century Challenges [CC]- Our Common Future [CCO]

Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy

Weekly problems and essays, short quizzes each class period and 3-4 exams. Final exam is comprehensive. Attendance is mandatory and class participation and group work is a significant part of the grade.

Course Materials

eBook: Hartwell 8th edition, ISBN10: 1266121870 | ISBN13: 9781266121876 or digital options are available.

Supplemental readings: Will be made available via the course Canvas site.

Course Registration:

Registration by SPN only: To request an SPN, please see the Genetics website for special permission: https://genetics.rutgers.edu/academics/undergraduate/spn-request


Drs. Verzi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Dr. Yadavalli (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.