• Core Curriculum: WCr, WCd

Sophomore Laboratory Research 01:696:281, 282 (1-6, 1-6)

Credits in this course cannot be used toward the required research credits for laboratory option.

Research project in the laboratory of a Rutgers or UMDNJ faculty member. Written report of research carried out during each term required (see http://mbb.rtugers.edu/Research-Reports.html for more information).

Undergraduate Laboratory Research 01:694:381, 382 (3-6, 3-6)

Research project in the laboratory of a Rutgers or UMDNJ faculty member. Written report of research carried out during each term required (see http://mbb.rtugers.edu/Research-Reports.html for more information).

Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Research 01:694:481, 482 (3-6, 3-6)

Pre- or co-requisites: 01:694:315, 407-408 and 483, 484
Research project in the laboratory of a Rutgers or UMDNJ faculty member. Written report of research carried out during the each term required (see http://mbb.rtugers.edu/Research-Reports.html for more information). Oral presentation of student research presented in 01:694:484 (Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry).

Literature Research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 01:694:489, 490 (3, 3)

Pre- requisites: 01:694:315, 407-408 and 483, 484
Literature research projects on a selected subject under the direction of a Rutgers or UMDNJ faculty member. Written report of research carried out during the each term required (see http://mbb.rtugers.edu/Research-Reports.html for more information). Students present their research results in 01:694:484 (Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry).

Honors Laboratory Research 01:694:495, 496 (6, 6)

Pre- or co-requisites: 01:694:315, 407-408 and 383
Honors research project in the laboratory of a faculty member. In the fall semester students are required to attend a seminar each week on writing a thesis. Oral presentation of student research presented in 01:694:484 (Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry) in the Spring semester. Students write an Honors thesis and present their research results in 01:694:484 (Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry). Students enrolled in 694:495 satisfy the Writing and Communication Goals (WC, s-1, s-2, t, u, and v) of the Core Curriculum.  To qualify, a student must have attained, at the end of the junior year, an overall cumulative grade-point average of 3.4 or better and a cumulative grade-point average of 3.4 or better in courses required for the major. Exceptional students not meeting these criteria but wishing to apply for honors research may petition the department chairperson at the beginning of their senior year. Students accepted to the program are expected to complete two terms (6 credits per term) of honors course work. The For more information please go to:


Each student in the Departmental Honors Program is required to write a thesis on their research project by the end of their senior year. In the fall semester students are required to attend a seminar each week on writing a thesis. The format of the thesis uses that of a scientific article. Honors students are also required to have an oral presentation of their thesis research with two faculty members.

These courses fulfill the MBB Departmental Learning Goal(s) as follows:

01:694:281,282 3,4
01:694:381,382 3,4
01:694:481, 482 3,4
01:694:495, 496 3,4
01:694:489, 490 3,4

For further information about the research courses and on how to find a lab please go to http://mbb.rutgers.edu/UGresearch/MBBresopt.html