• Assists senior Genetics majors with their honors project. Emphasis will be on analysis and communication of research findings. Students will be expected to complete their results and discussion sections of their thesis, as well as finalize the overall thesis in preparation for defense. Students will also prepare both a ten-minute platform talk and a much longer talk for their thesis defense. Finally, they will prepare a poster that explains their research.  
  • Semester Offered: Spring
  • Credits: 1.5
  • Core Curriculum: WCd


Concurrent registration in 447:409 (or equivalent college-based Honors Program); By special permission number only.

Course Description

Assists senior Genetics majors with their honors project. Emphasis will be on analysis and communication of research findings. Students will be expected to complete their results and discussion sections of their thesis, as well as finalize the overall thesis in preparation for defense. Students will also prepare both a ten-minute platform talk and a much longer talk for their thesis defense. Finally, they will prepare a poster that explains their research.

The course is being offered in-person.  Although this course will be given in-person, there is always the possibility of a class cancellation because of inclement weather (e.g., snow) or other issues (e.g., COVID outbreak).  In this case, lectures and discussions during class will transition to being synchronous and live using Zoom.  The recurring “join meeting” Meeting ID, Passcode, and URL for accessing the class on Zoom will be available as an announcement on the course Canvas site and sent to students’ email.  It is incumbent on the student to check their email and the Canvas course site announcements before each class to determine if a class will be held via Zoom as an alternative.

Course Syllabus Spring 2024

Course Satisfies Genetics Departmental Learning Goals

1. Effectively incorporate critiques from peers and faculty in their revision of written and oral communication.
2. Effectively describe their research, using relevant discipline-specific terminology with precision, accuracy & purpose.
3. Accurately and effectively present advanced scientific concepts through oral presentations and poster formats.

Course Satisfies SAS Core Learning Goals:

Writing and Communication, Revision (WCr)

Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy

Grades will be based on attendance, participation in class, quality of oral and written presentation, and homework. Since this course requires participation
and presentations, attendance is mandatory.

Course Materials

No required textbook.  Clickers are not required.

Course Closed?

Registration is by SPN only.  This course is only for Genetics majors. Please contact the Genetics Department undergraduate office for an SPN.


Dr. Chris Rongo

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** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.