Minimum GPA of 2.8 or better is required for all courses with the exception of Honors in Genetics (447:408-409), which requires an overall GPA of 3.0 or better and an average GPA of 3.4 or better in courses credited towards the major.
Registration for Honors in Genetics qualifies a student for graduation with departmental honors.
Course Description
Independent Study in Genetics (447:201-202) is an opportunity for students to pursue subjects and interests that are not available in formal course offerings. Independent study is done under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor. This course usually takes the form of library research on a topic of mutual interest to both the student and faculty member. Other formats are possible, but this course may not be used for laboratory research. (1-3 credits per semester).
Advanced Independent Study in Genetics (447:489-490) is an opportunity for students to complete a scholarly project under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor. Projects are varied; e.g. library research on a topic of mutual interest to both the student and the faculty member, computer simulations, informative website design, or development of teaching materials. This course may not by used for laboratory research. (3 credits per semester).
Research in Genetics (447:406-407) is intended to provide seniors with an opportunity to engage in original laboratory research under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor usually in the faculty member's research laboratory. Each student is expected to carry out his/her own research project. This course is available only to senior majors. (3-6 credits per semester).
Honors in Genetics (447:408-409) is intended to provide highly motivated students with an opportunity to immerse themselves in an original scientific research project. Students engage in laboratory research under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor. Each student is expected to carry out his/her own research project. This course is available only to senior majors. (6 credits per semester).
Course Satisfies Learning Goals
- Integrate the material from multiple courses and research. That is, to think holistically and to see the whole as well as the parts.
- Use genetic information and ideas to critically analyze published research articles in genetics.
- At the end of four years, all our students will be able to design an experiment, carry out the research using the appropriate laboratory techniques and analyze and interpret their data. They will also be able to communicate their discoveries through a written article appropriate for publication in a peer-reviewed Genetics journal, and through talks or posters appropriate for scientific meetings.
Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy
Independent Study in Genetics: A term paper in appropriate scientific format, including a full bibliography (exclusively Internet-based sources are not acceptable) is due at the end of the semester. The term paper should be at least 5 pages per registered credit and must be graded by the faculty advisor prior to submission to the Director of Undergraduate Education, Department of Genetics. The paper is due no later than the last day of classes.
Advanced Independent Study in Genetics: All projects must have a written product to be determined by the faculty mentor. The projects must be presented to a committee of Genetics faculty members for grading.
Research in Genetics: A written research summary in the format of a scientific paper is required at the end of each semester. The research summary should include an Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results (data should be presented in figure and/or tabular form), Discussion and References. A minimum of ten pages is required (for up to 3 credits). Longer reports are required for 4-6 credits (about 3 pages per additional credit). The research summary must be graded by the faculty mentor prior to submission to the student's advisor. The paper is due no later than the last day of classes.
Honors in Genetics: Students must complete a minimum of 6 credits to qualify for Departmental Honors. Students must submit a written thesis accompanied by an oral presentation and thesis-defense. The thesis committee should be composed of at least three faculty members, including the research advisor. The student must also present their research on Honors Day in April.
Course Materials
Majors should contact their assigned advisors regarding these courses. Research Course Approval forms may be obtained in the Genetics Department Office, B-416 Nelson Laboratories. Faculty at Rutgers University or Robert Wood Johnson Medical School may serve as research sponsors.
** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.