• Physiology according to American Physiological Society is the study of life. Physiological studies of normal function provide the basis to understanding abnormal function- at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and whole animal levels.  In this context, Systems Physiology will help students understand body functions and their regulation at the organ systems level (mammals including humans).
  • Semester Offered: Fall, Spring
  • Credits: 3
  • Course URL: Canvas


General Biology 119:115-116 AND General Chemistry with lab 160:161-162 or 163-164, and 160:171. Open to Juniors and Seniors only. College of Pharmacy students may take this course in their Sophomore year. ALL other students must be Juniors or Seniors (no exceptions).

Course Description

Physiology according to American Physiological Society is the study of life. Physiological studies of normal function provide the basis to understanding abnormal function- at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and whole animal levels.  In this context, Systems Physiology will help students understand body functions and their regulation at the organ systems level (mammals including humans).

Course content will include a survey of most of the major organ systems.

Course URL 


Course Syllabus 

Spring 2024 Syllabus

Fall 2023 Syllabus (Fall 2024 Syllabus will be updated soon)

Learning Goals

The specific goal of this course is to develop the student's knowledge and understanding of the organ systems and human body physiology. Students should be able to identify the operational physiological mechanisms of most body systems and their function. It is also expected that the students understand the unique role of each organ and organ systems in maintaining homeostasis and that they distinguish between important physiologic concepts such as the steady state and dynamic equilibrium. The students should be able to integrate knowledge of the major organ function with the complexity of the systems.

In addition, this course will satisfy the learning goals set by the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience:

  • Master factual and conceptual knowledge in cell biology and neuroscience that will provide a solid foundation for success in advanced training and professional careers.
  • Develop an ability to summarize, integrate and organize information.
  • Use scientific reasoning to evaluate the potential for current research and new discoveries to improve our understanding of cell biology and neuroscience and its relevance to human health and to our society. 

Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy

Three Exams, 60 minutes each, worth 17% each (51% total)

One Final Exam, 2-hours, (20% of total)

Multiple Pre-lecture assignments (Online Connect work) (8% of total)

Multiple Post-lecture quizzes (Short 10-question quizzes, multiple attempts)  (8% of total)

Weekly Cumulative Quizzes (10 questions, timed, 1 attempt) (8% of total)

Short reflection papers (2) (1 page each) (5%)

Course Materials

TEXTBOOK RECOMMENDATIONS: Vander's Human Physiology, 16th Edition + Connect Access, Mc Graw Hill; ISBN 9781264125739

Students are expected to refer to the recommended book as a resource for clarification and reinforcement of material relevant to the learning objectives in this course. The recommended book will be held on reserve in Rutgers Library and will also be available at the Rutgers University Bookstores.

Additional course material will include lecture slides and primary research literature assigned by the instructor and posted in Canvas.

Course Closed?

If this course is closed and if you have completed all of the prerequisites, please use the following link to add your name to the appropriate wait list: Wait List Sign Up.  Please note, this list applies only if you have completed all prerequisite courses. Systems Physiology is a popular course and attains strong enrollments; consequently no possibility for issuing special permissions.  If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Life Science - Office of Undergraduate Instruction at 848-445-2075 or visit our office at Nelson Labs B112, Busch Campus.


Dr. C. Nelson

** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.