• The aim of this course is to provide a solid background in cell biology and neuroscience. This course is not intended for CBN majors and is instead intended for students wishing to obtain a good understanding of the disciplines by covering selected areas. Lecture material will range from regulation of gene transcription to neural signaling and cognition. The ultimate goal is to give students the necessary background and understanding to be able to follow new scientific achievements in these fields.
  • Semester Offered: Fall, Spring
  • Credits: 3
  • Course URL: Canvas


General Biology 119:115-116 or 119:101-102

Course Description

The aim of this course is to provide a solid background in cell biology and neuroscience. This course is not intended for CBN majors and is instead intended for students wishing to obtain a good understanding of the disciplines by covering selected areas. Lecture material will range from regulation of gene transcription to neural signaling and cognition. The ultimate goal is to give students the necessary background and understanding to be able to follow new scientific achievements in these fields.

Topics to be covered:

· Plasma Membrane and Cell Membrane Potential

- Neural Signaling

· Synaptic Transmission and Neural Receptors

- Molecular Signaling and Cytoskeleton

· Somatic Sensory System

· Pain

· Movement and its Central Control

· Visceral Motor System

·Early Brain Development

·Construction and Modification of Neural Circuits

-Repair and Regeneration of the Nervous System 

Course Syllabus 

Spring 2024 Syllabus (Fall 2024 syllabus will be updated soon) 

Course URL


Course Satisfies Departmental Learning Goals

Learning Goals: Master factual and conceptual knowledge in cell biology and neuroscience that will provide a solid foundation for success in advanced training and professional careers. Develop an ability to summarize, integrate and organize information. Use scientific reasoning to evaluate the potential for current research and new discoveries to improve our understanding of cell biology and neuroscience and its relevance to human health and to our society. These goals are consistent with those set by the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, as well as, the Division of Life Sciences at Rutgers University.

Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy

60%- Average of grades on exams (3 exams total; the 3rd exam will be given during the final exam period, but will not be cumulative)

40%- Assignments/In-class activities and review exercises, i.e. completion of exam review sheets and/or review questions / Quizzes

Course Materials

  • Neuroscience 6th Edition, Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick, et.al; ISBN: 9781605353807
  • Optional: The Cell A Molecular Approach, 8th Edition, Geoffrey M. Cooper & Robert E. Hausman, Sinauer Associates, Inc., ISBN: 9781605357072; a version of this textbook was placed on reserve at the Library of Science and Medicine; I will only use this textbook for a few lectures, therefore, it is not necessary or recommended that you purchase this.

Course Closed?

If this course is closed, please use the following link to add your name to the wait list: Wait List Sign Up  . If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Life Sciences - Office of Undergraduate Instruction at 848-445-2075 or visit our office at Nelson Biological Laboratories B112, Busch Campus.


Dr. Tara Cominski

** All information is subject to change at the discretion of the course coordinator.